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What are cheermotes?
Cheermotes are the emotes that are reserved for cheering with Bits on Twitch.
Getting the cheermotes can be useful if you need to parse the Twitch IRC chat messages to find out which ones are cheered with bits.
Get cheermotes from the Twitch API
You can get them by making an authenticated call to the following URL:
I use the TAU abstraction to simplify working with Twitch, so I'm going to call my local instance as follows:
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8000/api/twitch/helix/bits/cheermotes?broadcaster_id=$TWITCH_BROADCASTER_ID' \
--header 'Authorization: Token $TAU_TOKEN'
It will return JSON with a property data
which is an array of cheermotes. You can see the shape of the data in the API reference.
You can get them all as a list by piping the output of that to jq:
| jq -r '.data[].prefix'
Putting it all together, it would look like this:
curl --location --request GET "http://localhost:8000/api/twitch/helix/bits/cheermotes?broadcaster_id=$TWITCH_BROADCASTER_ID" \
--header "Authorization: Token $TAU_TOKEN" | jq -r '.data[].prefix'
I don't have any custom cheermotes so this is the list that gets returned:
Standard cheer motes
Cheer BibleThump cheerwhal Corgo uni ShowLove Party SeemsGood Pride Kappa FrankerZ HeyGuys DansGame EleGiggle TriHard Kreygasm 4Head SwiftRage NotLikeThis FailFish VoHiYo PJSalt MrDestructoid bday RIPCheer Shamrock
You can also filter by first-party emotes only:
jq -r '.data[] | select(.type == "global_first_party") | .prefix'
Why tho?
I will be adding a feature to my Twitch multilingual text-to-speech app for macOS to parse messages that contain bits.
I'll be streaming this on Twitch.