Using Lighthouse to quickly improve web accessibility and performance

Using Lighthouse to quickly improve web accessibility and performance


2 min read

About Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a dev tool available in Google Chrome and other Chromium browsers like Brave.

It allows you to run an audit to test performance, accessibility, best practices, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Convert PNG images to webp

Mobile performance was pretty bad before image optimizations. I used the Figma plugin TinyImage Compressor to convert images to webp format.

Before image conversion

Mobile stats before image conversion.

mobile - before webp.png

After image conversion

Mobile stats after image conversion.

mobile - after webp.png

Desktop stats after image conversion, more in depth showing FCP (first contentful paint):


Accessibility and SEO

The next thing I did was listen to Lighthouse warnings to improve accessibility. This included small changes like adding alt text to images and adding relevant meta tags for SEO. These quick changes had a pretty big improvement on the Lighthouse score.

Before accessibility and SEO suggestions

Desktop stats before accessibility and SEO changes.

desktop before accessibility or seo.png

After accessibility and SEO suggestions

Desktop stats after accessibility and SEO changes.

desktop after a11y seo.png

Mobile stats after accessibility and SEO changes.

mobile after a11y seo.png

Room for improvement

I still have some room for improvement, for example with colour contrasting accessibility where text links don't have sufficient contrast to meet web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG).



With very little effort, one can significantly improve their Lighthouse score.
